Al Majalla - “The Sudanese poet Tayeb Salih” - Collage - April 2023
Alternative Version
Alternative Version
Al Majalla - “The military struggle for power … and gold!” - three Collages - April 2023
For the well-known, London-based, Arabic online news magazine Al Majalla, I was allowed to create three political collages. Thematically, the article is about the military conflict and the power struggle over Sudan's illegal gold mines and exports, the country's most profitable industry, which is currently controlled by militias - The military struggle for power … and gold! The third collage shows six Suanese authors writing for Al Majalla.
Für das bekannte, in London-ansässige, arabische Online-Nachrichtenmagazin Al Majalla durfte ich drei politische Collagen erstellen! Thematisch geht es in dem Artikel um den militärischen Konflikt und den Machtkampf um die illegalen Goldminen und -exporte des Sudan, den profitabelsten Wirtschaftszweig des Landes, der derzeit von Milizen kontrolliert wird - Der militärische Kampf um Macht … und Gold! Die dritte Collage zeigt sechs Suanesische Autoren die für Al Majalla schreiben.
Different format for the 2nd Collage
Not used Version - with more Shadows and Gold
Not used Version - with more Shadows and .. more Gold!
Not used Version - with different Elements, concentrating more on the selling of the Gold, Fotos in Color
Not used Version - with different Elements, concentrating more on the selling of the Gold, Fotos in Black/White